Browser Extensions:


Microsoft Extensions Used:

This is mostly for the HTML-geeks, or for its "tutorial-value", for anyone working on their own project. . . . .
  • HR - color="ee0000" - If you're using Netscape, you see the "Microsoft Extensions Used" header above, with an outlined, but un-colored horizontal spacer below it. If you're using Internet Explorer, you see the spacer as a red line. Its not a big change, but the compatible-alternative is to use an image-file to represent the red horizontal line, but it takes a lot more "bits" to do so. . . . so I didn't !
  • BODY BG - bgproperties="fixed" - Another small, but attractive extension is the capacity to use a single background image, and have the text scroll up-and-down. No need to worry about alignment of the background image, as the upper and lower edges meet. No problems with particular areas and details in a background image inhibiting the readability of text on the page -- simply scroll up or down and the difficult-to-read areas move to different areas on the background.


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