Online Resources:

General Information || DTV Standards and Practices
Emerging Ideas and Techniques || Asset Management || Automation Issues
Random Equipment Links || Computer Stuff

General Information:

As much as we tried, we couldn't put everything we wanted to provide, on this single CD-ROM. The alternative was to provide pointers to other sources, that can provide the background information, the continuing education, or the forward-looking ideas that will make the transition to Digital Television a little easier.

I selected these links for their information value to me; that they broadened my horizons, provided a new perspective, or were a continuing, respected technology resource. No endorsment of the companies, their products or services, is implied by their inclusion in this list. They are, by no means, the only reference information you'll need, but each site identified here has links to others, and they to others. . . . and somewhere in that sea of information is what you need to know!!

Your computer must have an active internet connection for these links to work !!

DTV Standards and Practices:

Emerging Ideas and Techniques:

Asset Management:

Automation Issues:

Random Equipment Links:

Computer Stuff:

The CD-ROM | The Conference | Online Resources | The Photo Album

2001 PBS Technology Conference CD-ROM