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and download a PBS-friendly map (124kb) of Las Vegas

Friday, 4/20 | Saturday, 4/21 | Sunday, 4/22

THURSDAY, April 19, 2001:
Apollo Lobby Registration Area.4:00 p.m. � 6:00 p.m. � Registration � Apollo Ballroom Foyer

If you're in town early enough to register on Thursday afternoon, please do so.

Avoid the Friday rush.
Registration sponsored by:

FRIDAY, April 20, 2001:
7:00 a.m. � 5:00 p.m. � Registration � Apollo Ballroom Foyer

Registration sponsored by:

Video projection presentation equipment provided by

7:00 a.m. � 8:30 a.m. � Breakfast � Apollo Corridor
Breakfast sponsored by:
8:30a.m. � 9:00 a.m. � Opening Plenary Session: Apollo Ballroom
Welcome and Introductions - Lew Zager, WETA
Opening Remarks - Ed Caleca, Senior Vice President, PBS Technology and Operations

9:00 a.m. � 9:30 a.m.
Keynote Address: "What Will The Home Of The Future Look Like?" - Gary Shapiro, President, CEA

9:30 a.m. � 10:15 a.m.
Digital Interfaces Including ASI and SMPTE-310 - Andy Butler, PBS

10:15 a.m. � 10:30 a.m.
Recognition of the Engineering and IT Committee Members

10:30 a.m. � 11:00 a.m. � Break
Break sponsored by:
Concurrent Engineering and IT themed sessions will begin after the break.
Engineering sessions are in the Apollo Ballroom. IT sessions are in Athena.
Conference registrants may choose to attend either session.

11:00 a.m. � 11:45 a.m. � Engineering Breakout (Apollo)
DTV ATSC 8VSB Standard Review
Michael Isnardi, Head of the Compression Systems Group, Sarnoff Corporation

11:00 a.m. � 11:15 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
IT Conference Opening Remarks
Michael Hunt, PBS

11:45 a.m. � 12:30 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
A New 8VSB/COFDM/NTSC Demodulator
Jacob Tanz, President and CEO, Oren Semiconductor

11:15 a.m. � 12:00 noon � IT Breakout
Keynote Presentation:
André Mendes, Former VP and CIO, PBS

12:00 noon � 12:30 p.m. � IT Breakout
ROI on IT Projects - Tony Myers, CPB

12:30 p.m. � 1:45 p.m. � Lunch � Parthenon TerraceInterior of the dining tent, on the Parthenon Terrace

Lunch sponsored by:

1:45 p.m. � 2:30 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
PSIP - Gomer Thomas, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Triveni Digital

1:45 p.m. � 2:30 p.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
How Do You Spell Relief ?
Paul Shapiro, PBS

2:30 p.m. � 3:15 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
MPEG 2, 4, and 7: A Review MPEG Compression Techniques, Uses and the Implication for Public Broadcasting
Dr. Paul Moroney, Vice-President, Advanced Technology, Motorola Broadband Communications

2:30 p.m. � 3:10 p.m. � IT Breakout
Navigating Wireless / Mobile
Jeremy Roberts, PBS; WHYY

3:10 p.m. � 3:15 p.m. � IT Breakout
IT First Day Wrapup
Kate Butcher, Nebraska ETV

Pool Area in Alexis Park Courtyard.3:15 p.m. � 3:45 p.m. � Break

Break sponsored by:

All Participants return to Apollo Ballroom at 3:45 p.m.
3:45 p.m. � 4:30 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
CableTelevision, Set-top Boxes, Data Services, and Interfaces
Mike Hayashi, Time Warner Cable

4:30 p.m. � 5:15 p.m.
New PBS Interconnection Plans
Bruce Jacobs, TPT and John Tollefson, PBS

5:15 p.m. � 5:30 p.m.
Day One - Conference Wrapup

Poolside at last year's party !!!5:30 p.m. � 8:30 p.m.
Poolside at the Alexis Park !!

Event sponsored by:


SATURDAY, April 21, 2001:
7:00 a.m. � 5:00 p.m. � Registration � Apollo Ballroom Foyer

Registration sponsored by:

Video projection presentation equipment provided by
7:00 a.m. � 8:00 a.m. � Breakfast � Apollo Corridor
Breakfast sponsored by:
Concurrent Engineering and IT themed sessions will begin at 8:00 am.
Engineering sessions are in the Apollo Ballroom. IT sessions are in Athena.
Conference registrants may choose to attend either session.
8:00 a.m. � 8:15 a.m. � Engineering Breakout
Day Two: Perspective and Introductions
Lew Zager, WETA

8:00 a.m. � 8:10 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Day Two: Perspective and Introductions
Michael Hunt, PBS

8:15 a.m. � 9:00 a.m. � Engineering Breakout
Adaptive Digital Equalization - Understanding Both Linear and Non-Linear Components
Dan Dickey, Director of Engineering, ADC Broadcast Systems Division

8:10 a.m. � 9:00 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
e-Customer Relationship Management (CRM in a non-profit World)
Cate Twohill, CommerceOne

9:00 a.m. � 9:45 a.m. � Engineering Breakout
DTV Encoding, PSIP and Station Traffic Interfaces
George Anderson, Thomcast Communications, Inc.

9:00 a.m. � 9:30 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
ASP's Pros and Cons
David Shomette, PBS

9:45 a.m. � 10:15 a.m. � Engineering Break
Break sponsored by:
9:30 a.m. � 10:00 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Linux Perspective
J.R. Wessels, Nebraska ETV

10:15 a.m. � 11:00 a.m. � Engineering Breakout
Compressed Video Data Manipulation
Jerry Berger, AgileVision and Terry Smith, Sarnoff

10:00 a.m. � 10:30 a.m. � IT Break
Break sponsored by:
11:00 a.m. � 11:30 a.m. � Engineering Breakout
XDS, V-Chip and Closed Captions
Gregory Forbes, PBS

10:30 a.m. � 11:15 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Windows 2000: Managing The Possibilities
Michael Cazier, PBS and Ron Hetrick, WITF

11:30 a.m. � 12:00 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
PBS Announcements and Q&A
John Tollefson, PBS

11:15 a.m. � 11:45 a.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Messaging Platforms: A Panel Discussion
Craig Given and Orin Love, PBS; Lisa Robertson, MPBC; Ron Kain, WITF

12:00 p.m. � 12:15 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
DTV Pioneer Awards
Jerry Butler, PBS

11:45 a.m. � 12:30 p.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Streaming Media 101
Kent Osborne, SDPTV and Jeremy Roberts, PBS

12:15 p.m. � 12:30 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
PBS Excellence in Engineering Awards
Ed Caleca, PBS

12:30 p.m. � 1:45 p.m. � Lunch � Parthenon Terrace
Lunch sponsored by:
1:45 p.m. � 2:30 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
FCC Regulatory, Must Carry, DTV Transition issues, and Funding
Marilyn Mohrman-Gillis, APTS; Bill Cooperman, PTFP; CPB; Ed Caleca, PBS

1:45 p.m. � 2:15 p.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Backup Strategies
David Creekmore, CPB

2:30 p.m. � 3:15 p.m. � Engineering Breakout
NAB / MSTV Field Test Report
LynnClaudy, Senior Vice President, Science and Technology, NAB

2:15 p.m. � 3:00 p.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
Could Network Attached Storage (NAS) Be The Answer TO Your Station's Storage Needs ?
Ken Walters, PBS

3:15 p.m. � 3:30 p.m. � IT Breakout (Athena)
IT Conference Closing Remarks
Michael Hunt, PBS

3:15 p.m. � 3:45 p.m. � Break
Break sponsored by:
At 3:45pm, all registrants return to the Apollo Ballroom for plenary sessions

3:45 p.m. � 4:30 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
The ABC's of Enhanced Television - Bruce Jacobs, TPT

4:30 p.m. � 5:15 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Interactivity: A Panel Discussion - Bruce Jacobs, TPT, Moderator; Scot Boyd, Program Manager: Tools, Microsoft; Nandu Nandhakumar, VP of Engineering and CTO, Triveni Digital; Bill Hendler, VP of Interactivity, Chyron; and additional panelist, to be announced later.

5:15 p.m. � 5:30 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Day Two - Conference Wrapup

7:00 p.m. � 10:00 p.m.
Madame Tussaud's Celebrity Experience

There will be a limited number of buses leaving from the hotel between 6:30 and 6:45 pm for those conference registrants who are staying at the Alexis Park, but given the end of the conference at 5:30 and the beginning of the party at 7:00, other conference registrants are free to hit the strip or return to their hotels and find their own way to the party.

Technology Conference name badges are absolutely required for all participants including registrants and guests.

Event sponsored by:


SUNDAY, April 22, 2001:
7:00 a.m. � 8:30 a.m. � NETA Breakfast � Alexis Gardens
For NETA member-station engineers . . . .

7:00 a.m. � 8:30 a.m. � CPB Transition Fund Breakfast � Athena
for any Transition Fund station personnel who are applying for CPB's financial assistance for participation at the Conference

7:30 a.m. � 11:00 a.m. � Registration � Apollo Ballroom Foyer

Registration sponsored by:

Video projection presentation equipment provided by
7:30 a.m. � 8:30 a.m. � Breakfast ( for the rest of us!! ) � Apollo Corridor
Breakfast sponsored by:Longshore Systems
9:00 a.m. � 5:00 p.m. � DTV Studio Technology Seminar � in Athena
This event is open only to those who have registered specifically for this seminar.

9:00 a.m. � 5:00 a.m. � DTV RF Transmission Seminar � in Zeus A
This event is open only to those who have registered specifically for this seminar.

8:30 a.m. � 8:45 a.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Day Three: Perspective and Introductions
Lew Zager, WETA

8:45 a.m. � 9:30 a.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Keynote Address: The Future of Moving Video and Other Data into the Home
Sid Ahuja, Director, Bell Labs Multimedia Communications Research Lab

9:30 a.m. � 10:15 a.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Asset Management: A Panel Discussion
Moderator: David Liroff, WGBH; Panel: Artesia, Bulldog, EMC

10:15 a.m. � 10:45 a.m. � Break
Break sponsored by:

10:45 a.m. � 11:30 a.m.
Video Applications Powered with Storage Area Networks
Greg Reitman, LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc.

11:30 a.m. � 12:15 p.m.
Trends In The DTV Transition
David Liroff, WGBH

12:15 p.m. � 1:30 p.m. � Lunch � Parthenon Terrace
Lunch sponsored by:

1:30 p.m. � 2:15 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
Keynote Address: What TV Can Be
Ed Graczyk, Communications Group Manager, Microsoft TV

2:15 p.m. � 3:00 p.m. � Apollo Ballroom
HUB - Combined Master Control Facilities
Bob Luff, NBC

3:00 p.m. � 3:30 p.m.
DTV - ATP: A Progress Report
Geraldine Evans, Accenture

3:30 p.m. � 3:45 p.m.
Conference Closing

4:00 p.m. � 6:00 p.m.
DTV - ATP Steering Committee Meeting
Meeting will be held in Suite 2301, near the far-end of the Alexis Park property (the buildings are marked with suite numbers).

6:30 p.m. � 10:00 p.m.
Engineering Professionals Dinner
Dinner in SkyView 5 and 6, 26th floor at Bally's, on "the Strip".

Buses for conference registrants staying at the Alexis will depart at 6:00 pm. Others should plan their own transportation. See details on Hospitality page and a map at Bally's.

Sponsored by

7:00 p.m. � 9:00 p.m.
Information Technology Professionals Dinner
Dinner is at Lawry's Prime Rib, on Howard Hughes Blvd. not far from the Alexis Park

Buses for conference registrants staying at the Alexis will depart at 6:30 pm. Others should plan their own transportation. See details on Hospitality page and a map at Lawry's.

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Copyright - © 2001, Media Technology Associates , ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . . . Last Updated: 04/13/2001